Menorah Foundation School

Menorah Foundation School

Year Group Curriculum Overviews

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Kodesh (Jewish Studies)

Curriculum Vision


Ready, Respectful, Safe

Our curriculum is knowledge-rich.

Our curriculum is based on Torah im Derech Eretz.

Our curriculum has high expectations for all learners.

Our curriculum allows pupils to build on prior knowledge and learn new skills.

Our children are confident and articulate and leave us ready to become valued members of society.

Our vision at MFS is to provide the highest standard of education both in Secular and Jewish Studies for all children. In addition, we aim for our pupils to realise from an early age that our sacred religious, ethical and moral principles apply to whatever topic is being studied in every walk of life so that they are fully prepared for their future lives as Orthodox Jews within a secular integrated society. The principal aim of the school is to produce well rounded individuals who possess both the deep moral feelings that lie at the root of our Jewish religion and the intellectual curiosity which lays the foundation for future learning. We attempt to achieve all of this in a happy and caring environment.

One of the outstanding features at MFS is the vision to allow as many children as possible to become advance, independent learners by teaching them skills rather than learning merely by rote. Basic to advanced grammar and thinking skills are developed carefully through a well-thought-out curriculum for each topic. In this way we allow all levels of learners to access as much of the curriculum as possible giving them the best chance to access the higher Kodesh groups in secondary school.

The subjects that are taught in MFS are varied with the focus mainly on Hebrew reading, Chumash/Rashi, Mishnah, Gemoro, Nach, General Knowledge - which includes Parshah, Halacha and Yomim Tovim - and essential information about our daily living and history. Chumash, Mishnah and Gemoro are streamed so that each child can learn at their own pace. Opportunities are also given to stretch those who show particular strength.

 We aim to deliver this curriculum in a way that inspires our students to develop a love of Jewish learning and a desire to embrace the religious practices that we teach. 

How We Teach Kodesh at MFS

Every day starts with Tefillah/תפילה ,new תפילות are added regularly and are explained and discussed in class. Our children are taught the importance of the words they Daven, to value that time and think deeply about their appreciation for what they have received in life, while building a meaningful relationship with Hashem .

• There is a חומש/Chumash lesson every morning, the חומש curriculum is designed so that previously learned material is constantly reviewed and applied to current studies, thus the application of previous points covered are retained and built upon. The חומש Curriculum covers the פרשיות of בראשית from years 1-4. The פרשיות in שמות covering the enslavement of ישראל עם all the way to their redemption and סיני הר are covered in year 5. The Year 6 curriculum covers the weekly פרשה in depth with a further focus on רש״י in depth study and transferrable skills.

GK (General Knowledge) is taught in the afternoons. This includes השבוע פרשת, טובים יומים ,and הלכה ,as well as following our MFS GK curriculum.

Hebrew Script/כתיבה writing is taught in key stage 1 and used throughout key stage 2 as the preferred mode of writing.

Nach/נך is taught from year 4 in which יהושע is studied, in Year 5 is studied שופטים ,and in Year 6 א שמואל.

Mishna/משנה and Gemora/גמרא :The study of משנה begins in Year 4 with the focus on סוכה משניות while year 5 cover ברכות משניות and 6 Year. גמרא: ברכות פרק ד: תפילת השחר with גמרא studying begins .גמרא מכות פרק ב: אלו הן הגולין as well as משניות מכות study

Reading Loshon Hakodesh/הקודש לשון קריאת is a crucial element of our curriculum: In Reception children learn to read all letters and vowels and most of the reading rules. This reading is consolidated in year 1, after which reading practice is an integral part of every Chumash lesson throughout the school. The reading practice in every year group is often based on תפילה and includes different תפילות which are particular to the time of year.

Please select one of the icons below to delve deeper into our Kodesh Curriculum

Chumash tabGeneral knowledge tabGemorah tabNach tabHebrew reading tabDavening tabKesiva tab